

  1. Quantity and symbols from 0 to 10
    In this group children learn numbers which you need to understand the decimal system. You don’t need a higher number than nine in this case. After the number nine it is sufficient to change the order of numbers - the value depends on their position. The numbers between 0 and 9 are basic elements of the numerical world, as it is possible to express any high figure by means of them.
  2. Acquaitance with the decimal system, numbers 1 – 9 999
    In this group children work with multidigit figures and they feel the need to understand the connection between them. They link values with words, quantity with a symbol. In this area children work with factual and illustrative material. They create multidigit figures, learn the principle of changing order of numbers and they link numbers in arithmetic series.
  3.  Mathematic operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
    The materials of this group give to a child an opportunity to practise repeatedly unit combinations and a multiplication table in four arithmetic operations and to learn them by heart. These basic arithmetic operations are marked with colours: red stands for addition, green for subtraction, yellow for multiplication and blue for division. In order to make an offer extensive, there are always more kinds of operations which serve the same purpose – to understand the principle of the operation and master them from the factual and easier ones to the more difficult, abstract ones (creating numeric links).

Further on, children learn mathematic operations with high numbers by means of golden beads, stamp games, abacus, etc. The area of mathematics also contains the work with fractions, decimal numbers, powers and an extensive field of geometry.
