
Cosmic education

Le’s give to a child an image of the whole space because everything is a part of it and everything is interlinked and makes a unified whole.

Maria Montessori

The cosmic education is an integrating element of the Montessori method, its theory and practice. The concept of „cosmic education“ is analogous to the theory of Jan Ámos Komenský and his understanding of the world as an integrated whole where all things are related. It is not important for children to learn everything which exists but it is important to give them enough time to immerse in individual areas. We have to present a detail to children, so that they are able to get to know a whole

When you answer a child’s question, you proceed from a whole and explain everything on the basis of individual parts, so that the child understands associations. The integration of areas and topics involved in the cosmic education helps children to understand the world order, their existence in it, to find their own place and to learn how to deal with their environment and themselves.

The concept of our cosmic education lies in the integration of topics included in the basics of humanities and natural science, national history, natural science, geography, biology and history and later on in physics and chemistry. The cosmic education also contains practising motor, music and art skills and also social topics.
